Regardless of age or profession, meditation can bring benefits to your life.
- Professionals suffering from long hours of demanding work can meditate to relax the mind.
- Those working a steady routine can find relief from boredom and restlessness.
- The elderly and those burdened with illness will not be as troubled by discomfort or fear.
Students, through meditation, can improve their memory, helping them to perform better in their studies. Home, work and social relationships will become more harmonious.
As meditation strengthens the mind, weak physical and mental conditions can improve. And with a peaceful mind comes a sound and restful sleep.
Today we spend all our life struggling to know something or other about the world in which we live and to become efficient in coping with the problems of the world. During Buddha’s time people spent time in perfecting the instrument with which the whole world could be known and be dealt with by themselves.
In the Buddha’s day all those who commenced meditation under his guidance were non-Buddhist, and there were no books on meditation to read. But anyone who wanted to really understand what the Buddha taught was obliged to begin with meditation.